Life Languages™ virtual communication training series

Get Ready to Transform Your Virtual
Communication Skills On....

Thursday February 15, 2024
1:00 pm EST / 12:00 pm CST / 11:00 am MST / 10:00 am PST
The Leading #1 Course in Virtual Communication for Telehealth and Teletherapy Providers.
'Bridging Communication Gaps…' uniquely equips Behavioral Health and Healthcare Providers with Essential Life Languages™ Skills.
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How Did We Get Here?


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The rapid shift to telehealth and teletherapy during the pandemic was a real eye-opener for many of us in healthcare. 


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It put us in a position where we had to rethink our approach to patient communication, without any formal training.


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This transition exposed a critical gap in communication skills adapted for virtual environments.


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Research on telehealth efficacy during and post-pandemic highlighted a crucial need for healthcare providers to acquire advanced communication skills.

From Crisis to Communication Breakthrough:
My Personal Journey to Discovering
 Life Languages™

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Facing the sudden shift to virtual care, just like many of you, I too grappled with the challenge of forging real connections with  patients through a computer screen.

During this difficult transition, compounded by a family crisis caused by miscommunication at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, I stumbled upon something unexpected yet transformative: Kendall's Life Languages™.

The Kendall’s Life Languages Profile™ (KLLP™) is a Character - Based Communication frame- work categorizing     commun - ication into Emotive, Cognitive, and Kinetic styles—each with unique preferences known as the seven Life Languages™.     

Featured Instructor

“Teaching on Education Key platform has been an amazing experience.”

Veronica Powell, PhD, LPC

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This discovery came at a time when both my professional life in teletherapy and personal life, especially my relationship with my daughter, were strained by communication barriers.

Embracing Life Languages™ opened my eyes to a whole new way of interacting. It became a turning point, transforming how I communicated virtual sessions.  Not only did it enhance my connections with patients, but it also brought me closer to my family, particularly my daughter.

I discovered a "Communication Superpower", allowing me to enter each session armed with the knowledge of my patient's unique Communication          Languages, hence, transforming our interactions and outcomes.

Transform Patient-Provider Interactions in a Digital Setting with Life Languages™!

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What if we could transform these exposed challenges into avenues for professional growth and improved patient care?

By embracing Life Languages™, expect to see:
  • Enhanced Empathy and understanding: Break down barriers and create deeper emotional connections.

  • Reduced Misunderstandings: Clearly understand and be understood  by  your patients.  

  • Stronger Patient Relationships Foster trust and rapport, essential for effective therapy. 

  • Improved Treatment Adherence: Patients who feel understood are more likely to engage in their treatment plans.

  • Increased Patient Satisfaction: Leave your patients feeling heard, valued   and supported.

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Benefits of our training programs

See What Your Colleagues Have to Say About Life Languages™!

"Life Languages has been a game-changer for my practice. It's also improved my personal relationships, helping me communicate better with my partner and children."
Linda Brooks, Marriage and Family Therapist

"Implementing Life Languages in my telehealth practice has been transformative. It allows me to quickly understand and adapt to each client's communication style, making our virtual sessions much more effective and meaningful."

Tara Johnson, LCSW, Telehealth Therapist
"Life Languages has enriched my professional and personal life by enhancing my communication skills. It's invaluable for building rapport with patients quickly and effectively." 
Henry Liu, Mental Health Nurse Practitioner

"In crisis intervention, every word matters. Life Languages has been instrumental in helping me communicate effectively and empathetically with individuals in distress during telehealth sessions. It's also improved my personal communication skills, especially in high-stress situations with friends and family."

George Tran, LCPC, Crisis Intervention Specialist (Telehealth):

"Using Life Languages has made me a better listener and communicator, not just with my patients but in all aspects of my life. It's like learning a new language that everyone speaks but few understand."

Rachel Kim, Mental Health Counselor

"Incorporating Life Languages into my virtual sessions has been transformative. It's like having a roadmap to each patient's communication style, which has deepened our therapeutic connections." 

Dr. Emily Nguyen, LPC
"As a nurse specializing in telehealth, Life Languages has been a game-changer in understanding my patients' communication needs. It's also dramatically improved my ability to support my colleagues in virtual healthcare settings." 

Laura Benson, RN, Telehealth Coordinator

Exclusive Offer:
Unprecedented Value at an Introductory Price

For the first time ever, this live virtual online course is being offered to Behavioral Health, and Allied Health professionals at an introductory price of just $297 (valued at $1,997).

What's Included!

Webinar Registration

Welcome to the registration process for our upcoming "Bridging Communication Gaps: An Introduction to Life Languages™ for Effective Teletherapy and Telehealth" Webinar.

This live webinar session is designed to cater to a diverse, multi-disciplinary audience, including professionals from Behavioral Health, Health, and Allied Healthcare fields.

To ensure you receive the appropriate certificate of completion that aligns with your specific professional credentials, we kindly ask you to follow the provided instructions closely.

Register Below

NBCC Participants
     Join us for your Live Zoom Virtual Webinar 

Thursday February 15, 2024 at
1:00 pm EST / 12:00 pm CST / 11:00 am MST / 10:00 am PST

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*NBCC Participants Register Below

“Bridging Communication Gaps: An                Introduction to Life Languages for Effective Teletherapy has been approved by NBCC for three (3) NBCC credits. Measures4Success, LLC is solely responsible for all aspects of the program. NBCC Approval No. SP-4445.”

CEII Participants
     Join us for your Live Zoom Virtual Webinar 

Thursday February 15, 2024 at
1:00 pm EST / 12:00 pm CST / 11:00 am MST / 10:00 am PST
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*CEII Participants Register Below

“This program has been approved for three (3) contact/clock hours for Social Workers, Health and Allied Health Professionals. To confirm credit for your profession, please refer to    or check with your license board or credentialing body.”

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NBCC Participants

CEII Participants

Frequently Asked Questions

1. General Questions

3. Payment and Payment Options

5. Live Webinar Information

7. Continuing Education

2. My M4SAcademy Account

4. Registration Information

6. Mail and Email Preferences

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. General Questions

3. Payment and Payment Options

5. Live Webinar Information

7. Continuing Education

2. My M4SAcademy Account

4. Registration Information

6. Mail and Email Preferences

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